awkward situation
Смотреть что такое "awkward situation" в других словарях:
awkward situation — index dilemma, embarrassment, plight Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
awkward situation — embarrassing situation, situation which makes one feel uncomfortable … English contemporary dictionary
awkward — awkward, clumsy, maladroit, inept, gauche mean not adapted by constitution or character to act, operate, or achieve the intended or desired ends with ease, fitness, or grace. Awkward and clumsy are by far the widest of these terms in their range… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
awkward — [ôk′wərd] adj. [ME aukward < ON ǫfugr, turned backward + OE weard, WARD] 1. not having grace or skill; clumsy, as in form or movement; bungling [an awkward dancer, an awkward style] 2. inconvenient to use; hard to handle; unwieldy [an awkward… … English World dictionary
situation comedy — n. a comic television series made up of episodes involving the same group of characters dealing with a problem, awkward situation, etc … English World dictionary
awkward — awk|ward S2 [ˈo:kwəd US ˈo:kwərd] adj [Date: 1500 1600; Origin: awk turned the wrong way (15 17 centuries) (from Old Norse öfugr) + ward] 1.) making you feel embarrassed so that you are not sure what to do or say = ↑difficult ▪ I hoped he would… … Dictionary of contemporary English
situation — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ general, overall, whole ▪ current, immediate, present ▪ international, local, national … Collocations dictionary
awkward — [[t]ɔ͟ːkwə(r)d[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED An awkward situation is embarrassing and difficult to deal with. I was the first to ask him awkward questions but there ll be harder ones to come... There was an awkward moment as couples decided whether to stand … English dictionary
awkward — awkwardly, adv. awkwardness, n. /awk weuhrd/, adj. 1. lacking skill or dexterity; clumsy. 2. lacking grace or ease in movement: an awkward gesture; an awkward dancer. 3. lacking social graces or manners: a simple, awkward frontiersman. 4. not… … Universalium
awkward — awk•ward [[t]ˈɔk wərd[/t]] adj. 1) lacking skill or dexterity; clumsy 2) lacking grace or ease, as in movement or posture: an awkward gesture[/ex] 3) lacking social graces or manners 4) ill adapted for ease of use or handling: an awkward… … From formal English to slang
awkward — adj. 1 ill adapted for use; causing difficulty in use. 2 clumsy or bungling. 3 a embarrassed (felt awkward about it). b embarrassing (an awkward situation). 4 difficult to deal with (an awkward customer). Phrases and idioms: the awkward age… … Useful english dictionary